[TNG] Hero Worship

[TNG] Season 5, Episode 11: Hero Worship

Rating: 3

This episode works both as a display of how the crew of the Enterprise handles someone’s trauma, as well as a Data character study from a slightly different angle than we’ve seen before. There are lots of great little moments as Data guides this kid out from the darkest parts of what happened to him.

Read more at Memory Alpha


We always love a good beam lift from Data.
The boy they found says his ship was attacked by aliens with purple helmets!
They figure out that the boy was just making up the alien attack. Troi says she didn’t sense any deception because of the trauma-interference or something.
lol why would he think this would stay up
Uh oh this kid is acting like Data now
“wtf kids are weird” paraphrasing
Data goes with it
Data tries yawning
mostly they just hang out like robot bros
Enterprise may be experiencing the same thing that destroyed the boy’s ship
He says yeah this is like how it was. Thanks
So Data says lower shields instead of more shields and they’re saved.

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