[SNW] Spock Amok

[SNW] Season 1, Episode 5: Spock Amok

Rating: 3

“Spock Amok” follows up the higher stakes previous episode with a potpourri of character business, formed around a combo diplomacy and shore leave Trek plot. It’s the silliest episode they’ve done, which is risky, but they manage to pull it off surprisingly well. That’s saying something when one of the main threads is about Spock swapping bodies with his girlfriend.

Read more at Memory Alpha


Spock dreams about TOS, music included!
These zebra monsters claim to be big on empathy.
Chapel has a boyfriend for a few seconds.
I hope the actual plot outline stated: “M’Benga wears a funny hat”
Spock and T’Pring switch bodies. oh boy here we go
I like that they are afraid of hijinks
is this bingo or just a list
Una and La’an try really hard to have fun, not clear if they succeed.
Pike figures out that the empathy monster aliens want to be understood just like they understand others, so he tells them what a bad idea it would be to join the federation. They love it.
One cool thing Strange New Worlds has been doing is these slightly jarring cuts to end credits during a smaller, more ambiguous character moment. This one where we see Chapel silently realize she has a huge crush on Spock is pretty great.

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