[TNG] Manhunt

[TNG] Season 2, Episode 19 (Netflix: S2 E19): Manhunt


Rating: 2

“Manhunt” is about Lwaxana Troi going through a phase where she is hyper sexual, and seeking a husband on Enterprise. With that description you’re likely to automatically assume this is going to be really rough. That’s only partly true, because Picard is good in this one.

Read more at Memory Alpha


"What a handsome race" -Worf

“What a handsome race” -Worf

Lwaxana shows up

Lwaxana shows up

She tricks Picard into having dinner with her

She tricks Picard into having dinner with her

Picard gets Data to bail him out

Picard gets Data to bail him out

Deanna says she's going through a phase where she can't read minds as accurately and she's super sexual

Deanna says her mother is going through a phase where she can’t read minds as accurately and she’s super sexual

Picard hides in the holodeck

Picard hides in the holodeck

Lwaxana talks to the computer, which means she talks to herself. What an absurd outfit. I guess that's what they were going for

Lwaxana talks to the computer, which means she talks to herself. What an absurd outfit. I guess that’s what they were going for

At the end Lwaxana can sense that the fish people are hiding bombs, and are really terrorists. I kind of like that not a lot happens in this episode

At the end Lwaxana can sense that the fish people are hiding bombs, and are really terrorists. I kind of like that not a lot happens in this episode



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