[DS9] In the Hands of the Prophets

DS9 Season 1, Episode 19 (Netflix: S1 E18): In the Hands of the Prophets

Rating: 2

They sacrifice a coherent plot for the sake of a preachy analogy, but there are some good things: Sisko is cool in this episode, the murder mystery is alright, and I like how the Bareil character is treated.

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Keiko is back.

File under: Rosalind Chao (Keiko)

Winn shows up! She is outraged that Keiko calls the prophets, “wormhole aliens”. Outrageous!

File under: Louise Fletcher (Winn)

Kira suggests there be separate schools on the station. I’m not sure why Bajorans were eager to send there kids to Keiko’s voluntary school to begin with.

There might have been a murder! Murder mystery!

Keiko was teaching the old Galileo folk tale. Sisko points out that the prophets really are kind of prophets, you know, since they see the future and all.

Sisko goes to meet Vedek Bareil! He hangs out all alone in a giant garden. It would be really easy to assassinate this guy if someone wanted to, as long as they find a way to keep him in his garden, and away from a crowded place like DS9

I like that Bareil is a good guy, but still motivated by politics

Bajoran workers stop coming in? Why? Because they didn’t like Keiko’s dumb school that their kids have probably only gone to for a few months?

Odo mentions that more Bajorans have come to the station to help the kids stay out of school. Is anyone trying to make them go to the school?

Someone blew up the school!

It was the other guest star!

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