[TNG] Interface

[TNG] Season 7, Episode 3: Interface

Rating: 2

It’s tricky when a story involves a character acting in a way we as an audience don’t want them to act. On paper, of course, we can all understand why someone wouldn’t be able to accept a loved one’s death if there’s some possibility (even a tiny possibility) that the loved one is still alive. The difficulty is making that sensation dramatically tangible, especially since its a familiar trope. But “Interface” deals with such heavy and well-trod subjects almost exclusively in TV shorthand. There are only a few major scenes where the subject of grief and denial are dealt with head on. Geordi himself and what he is experiencing isn’t enough of a focus – there’s a sci-fi procedural hurtle that always needs jumping over. The only scene that works is the one where Data lets Geordi talk through it a bit, and there’s both a welcome drop of specificity along with some nuance.

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How are we supposed to know who this guy is? It’s a real Clark Kent situation.
Geordi finds out his mother is missing. Turns out Georgi has like a whole family?? Who knew.
Geordi sees through the eyes of a probe and searches through a wrecked ship. Don’t worry, everyone is dead.
But then, when he spills strawberry jam as a probe, the jam is all over his non-probe hands in real life!
Data and Geordi stare at a blank screen, and this is actually the best scene of the episode.
Geordi sees his mother and she hits him with the dreaded “there’s no time to explain”
Geordi disobeys orders and goes after his “mother” c’mon Geordi haven’t you seen this show before.
Once down there, his mother finally has time to explain. It took 3 seconds and consisted of two sentences.
But then Geordi finds out his mother was really a fire alien. I feel it isn’t right that parents keep these things from their children.
They unplug Geordi.

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