[DS9] The Ship

[DS9] Season 5, Episode 2: The Ship

Rating: 2

The standoff over a crashed enemy ship is promising, and a lot of the plot looks good on paper, but there are some critical missteps that lower this one for us. First, the episode tries to endear us to Muniz, but they keep hitting the same “giving each other a good-natured hard time” routine in all of his scenes, so we don’t get enough of his character for his death to really have gravity. There are also some odd bits of character work, especially the scene where Worf puts O’Brien in a headlock?? Everyone’s huffy disposition is supposed to indicate high stress, but we’ve seen these guys in worse situations and they didn’t crumble so quickly, especially Worf. It almost felt like there was going to be a sci-fi thing explaining why they were all acting strange. Lastly, there are a few extremely unsubtle scenes near the end. The tragic miscommunication between enemies is plenty apparent from the events that take place, so multiple monologues fretting over the tragedy and what it means kinda sour whatever effect there could have been.

Read more at Memory Alpha


The crew is feelin pretty good about the Dominion war, so they take a break to look at some rocks.
But then just as the rock collecting was gettin’ good, a Jem’Hadar ship crashes. Budget allowed for 2% of the ship to remain above ground and only a few flames.
A new Jem’Hadar ship attacks the runabout in orbit!
And then a landing party!
O’Brien’s rock buddy gets injured and starts talking about what they’ll do when they get back. uh oh.
They coop up inside the crashed ship, but only like 1 guy attacks them inside.
The Dominion also seem very eager to negotiate…
No rocks around inside the ship so they start looking at straight up junk.
Worf loses his mind in this episode.
Muniz falls asleep in a weird position so his neck will hurt in the morning 🙁
They think they find what the Dominion were looking for!
The changling couldn’t keep its shape and just dies?
Then Worf and O’Brien protect their friend’s body from Klingon spirits or something (they keep the body in a storage room with other crates and stuff?). This is how Men apologize for putting other Men in headlocks.

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