[DS9] Shakaar

[DS9] Season 3, Episode 24: Shakaar

ShakaarRating: 2

We’re introduced to Shakaar, so you should probably watch this one. It showcases another questionable plan from Winn. She doesn’t seem to have much foresight. This episode also has one the most filler-feeling B-plots I’ve seen in a while.

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Winn is going to become the leader of the Bajoran government

Winn is going to become the leader of the Bajoran government.

Winn wants Kira to talk to an old friend named Shakaar. He has some farm equipment that Winn wants to use somewhere else

Winn wants Kira to talk to an old friend named Shakaar. He has some farm equipment that Winn wants to use somewhere else.

So Kira meets with Shakaar

So Kira meets with Shakaar.

Kira relays the message that Shakaar will meet with Winn

Kira relays the message that Shakaar will meet with Winn

But instead Winn sends people to arrest him

But instead Winn sends people to arrest him

Shakaar has other plans

Shakaar has other plans

There's also a plot about O'Brien playing darts. He wins some games but then he gets hurt

There’s also a plot about O’Brien playing darts. He wins some games but then he gets hurt.

Shakaar is gaining supporters. Winn asks Sisko to have federation security bring in Shakaar. Why not just ask the federation for help in making more of the dumb farm equipment

Shakaar is gaining supporters. Winn asks Sisko to have federation security bring in Shakaar. Why not just ask the federation to help make more of the dumb farm equipment

Shakaar and his followers keep running, but eventually set up to ambush the people after them

Shakaar and his followers keep running, but eventually set up to ambush the people after them.

But they decide to talk instead.

But they decide to talk instead.

Shakaar decides to run for the government position against Winn

Shakaar decides to run for the government position against Winn.


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